Live Demo: Perfect Wash N Go in under 45 min


  • Denise Hoyes James

    Hi Gwen,
    I am already registered for the RYHC. It’s because of your excellent instruction when I watched your “how to wash your hair in less than 45 mins” video via You Tube last year. I didn’t have any of your products, but I understand the process is consistency and good habits and taking the time to do regular hair care correctly and the other part is the product. So, I used what I had and saw improvement. Your products were too expensive for me at that time. This year, I attended your “hair style academy” and ordered received products for that class but they were received after the end of the class. Also, I didn’t get any moisturizer Step 2. I only got the gel and a Step 3, after the class ended, so I used my other product and Olive Oil for the styling academy. After the styling academy I signed up for your RYHC in August and I am still waiting for products.
    Because of primarily your good education of hair care, why I am still sticking with you and your products. I see testimonies al the time, but it’s the methods that I have demonstrated from your teachings that made a believer of me because I have seen improvement in the quality of my hair. Of course, I live in a very dry desert environment, so moisture is very important and I have kicked it up with my moisture product until your products arrive- I hope very soon, so I don’t have to buy more of the moisturizer by another manufacturer which is actually good and not that expensive but it’s also a leave in conditioner.
    Also, I am looking forward to receiving your Step 1 rhassoul clay because I need to see how my grey hair responds to that product for washing as well as deep conditioning,
    That is the only issue I have with your company. I don’t seem to be receiving what I need in a timely manner and I’m not certain I received everything I needed for the style academy.
    I hope to receive the correct products I will need for the RYHC and in a timely manner.

    Congratulations on your engagement and Happy Birthday. I did “attend” your celebration for a little bit but I am 3 hours behind your time and was still watching my 3 yr old and 8 month old grand daughters.

    Thank you,
    Denise Hoyes James

  • Georgia Furnace

    I don’t understand why does it 45 minutes to tell me how to wash my hair.

  • Diana

    I like every thing about your hair product and your demonstration,also you talk about the hair type. My hair is thick, hard to comb from root to end, comes out a lots, thank you for sharing how to shampoo and comb your hair, also, how to wash, moisturizure and blow dry your hair. Also to wash your hair every 7 to 10 days, you are TrueType a blessings to our peoples and other cultures of peoples. AAAAA 5 stars your more than great. Blessings to you/family, keep save.

  • Anna Edwards

    I am your grey hair skeptic.
    Concern your product will turn my silver to brassy…
    Going to give your product ago anyway.
    If it does, I will let you know.,,,and go get that purple stufff….wish me luck!😊
    If it works well…I can share with my silver hair natural friends.
    I am the test subject!

  • Sharon

    I was diagnosed with alopecia a year ago today cut my hair off to 2 inches long and my hair is slowly filling in where i had and have balding. I ordered product already, but wonder if there was something else I should have ordered.

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