Picture this: you’re walking down the hair care aisle of Target. Think about how many times you see the word “hair repair.” Can’t imagine it? Next time you find yourself in the quicksand of Target (you go in for one thing and leave with 20 more things) or any store that sells hair care products, for that matter, check out how many products market themselves as “repairing.” See, the problem here is that hair repair just isn’t real. In fact, it’s impossible. YOU CANNOT REPAIR YOUR HAIR. It is literally scientifically impossible.
The word “repair” is purely a marketing tactic to get you to buy. Very little of what is put onto the front of a label is regulated by the government. That means brands can literally say whatever they want on the front of a label.
This is where Naturalicious comes in to give you the real and keep you educated so you can make the right decisions for you! The reality is there is no quick fix. You can’t take damaged hair and turn it into healthy hair.
“Damaged” may include heat damage that destroys the curl pattern so it can’t curl anymore, breakage, and split ends. Though you can slowly take dry hair and give it consistent TLC to get moisturized hair, you can’t bring curls back to life once they’re dead and you can’t mend split ends.
You only have one option— to cut the damaged hair off and begin anew. Now, you can choose to do the big chop, or you can transition (while giving your new hair growth the proper care) and grow your hair to a desired length before chopping off the dead hair.
Many brands that we have known and love, like to sell us “quick fixes,” but it just isn’t the truth. Much like getting into physical shape, there is no “quick fix.” You have to exercise and eat healthy consistently. The same goes for hair. You have to do the work, CONSISTENTLY.
With hair you have to be proactive, not reactive.
This translates to doing the preventative work:
Washing your hair with a sulfate free cleanser
Doing regular deep conditions
Doing regular hot oil treatments
Doing regular protein treatments
Moisturizing 1-2x a day
Using a moisturizer with water as the first ingredient
Sleeping on a silk pillowcase and/or with a silk scarf
Adding these tips into your routine will help greatly reduce hair damage so you won’t be reaching for that “hair repairing leave-in” b.s. ever again!
Want to see how we switch up our hair routine for the winter? Check out this blog.
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