The Best Natural Hair Blogs You Should Know About

… and follow on the ‘gram.

From wash day tips to natural hair journeys, natural hair blogs (and their matching Instagram accounts) are one of the best resources we have when it comes to staying on top of the latest trends, best products and expert advice in the natural hair community.

Thankfully, the natural hair community has blown up over the last few years which means we have more resources than ever before. But, of course, with so many natural hair blogs to choose from, it can be a challenge to pick and choose which ones have the best and—more importantly—most accurate information. Keeping that in mind, we’ve decided to curate a list of Naturalicious Nation’s favorite natural hair blogs.

Naturalicious’ Top Five Natural Hair Blogs 


So, we couldn’t possibly write a list of the best natural hair blogs without mentioning NaturallyCurly. If you don’t follow them religiously already, NaturallyCurly is essentially a curly-haired girl’s guide to life a.k.a. our hair. For 20 years, NaturallyCurly has been bringing curls to life with articles on everything from understanding your hair type to how-to guides on some of our favorite natural hairstyles. 

☁️Afroclouds ☁️ @ynotkeeb

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Naturalicious Nation

Okay, we obviously can’t write a top natural hair blogs post without a shameless promo of our own blog—I mean, can you even blame us? At Naturalicious, we’re all about helping you look flawless in less time, and our blog’s mission is no different. From Naturalicious product tutorials to advice on how to cut down your beauty routine without sacrificing style—our blog will be your new natural hair source!


Okay Afrobella, we see you! Afrobella is one of the OG natural hair blogs turned go-to source for all things hair, beauty, fashion and makeup for all shades of women. Following Afrobella means advice on everything from what books to read, to tips on dealing with scalp issues, and what hair accessories to rock this winter. Did we mention Afrobella’s founder, Patrice Grell Yursik, is one of WWD's 50 Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market?

Natural Hair Rules!

You know it, I know it—natural hair rules. But, do you know all of the natural hair rules? Alright, all double entendres aside, Natural Hair Rules is known as the natural hair authority. While Natural Hair Rules is always putting out new content for all of us natural-haired girls out there, what makes Natural Hair Rules different is that they actually have a Beginner’s Guide to Natural Hair. So, whether you are just beginning your natural hair journey, or have a baby heir with baby hair and afros (we can’t miss an opportunity for a Beyoncé reference)—this guide is worth checking out!


Life and natural hair therapy from a licensed psychotherapist? Let’s do it, sis! Here’s why we love CurlyNikki’s natural hair blog: she’s not afraid to spill the tea every once in a while and she has actually managed to create a community of support for the natural hair community! From the CurlyNikki Forum (where you can actually get in on the conversation) to her posts on empowerment, it’s impossible to walk away from reading a CurlyNikki article without feeling empowered or inspired.

Fun fact- You are not on your way to becoming the woman you know you are meant to be... you already are HER. The woman who is now reading these words, is HER! Can you feel that shift? . This powerful recognition comes with immediate results in the form of a quiet, inner joy, and a feeling of relief or stillness. You may even feel a gentle smile spread across HER face. And although it may not seem like much, these subtle go(o)d feels, if consciously sustained will appear in the mirror you call the world, as the ‘outer’ things. #BeHerNow 👑 #ThatShiftTho . . p.s. That attitude you often display, the quick temper and easily botheredness? These are all symptoms of chronic ‘not-letting-myself-be-Her-itis’. Notice that feeling of discomfort, breathe and stand as HER. This instantly triggers the Light. Bask in it, smile, remember. Repeat as needed.

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Obviously, with hundreds of noteworthy natural hair blogs out there, we can’t mention them all, but we do want to hear about your favorites! Tag your top natural hair blogs on our latest Instagram post (@naturalicious_beauty) to spread the love—and while you’re there, you might as well toss us a follow (did we just throw another shameless promo? Oops).


  • mary jane

    Good day everyone, l don’t normally post on social media, this is a great testimony l must share. Please read and share to others. I was diagnosed with herpes. for over 6 years and I have been taking ARV drugs but i wasn’t really satisfied because I needed to get this virus out from my system completely. A friend of mine told me about a man called Dr UMA  and showed me testimonies on how people talks about him. So l contact him and the good news is that i was totally cured from my herpes  immediately i finished taking the herbal medicine been sent to me by dr UMA. Till this very moment i’m still negative to the virus, so I’m urging you to contact him for help and get cured if you are infected also with any disease or you have any health issues, you can get to him through hisEmail: WhatsApp/Call: +2347035619585..;

  • naomi samuel

    здраво свима, овде сам да поделим мало сведочанства. Моје име је Наоми Самуел, имам 40 година, удала сам се са 31, имам само једно дете и живела сам срећно до краја живота. После годину дана брака мој муж је постао тако чудан и не разумем баш шта се дешава, он је препун од куће до друге жене, толико га волим да и не сањам да ћу га изгубити, дајем све од себе да будем сигуран муж ми се враћа, али све без помоћи, плачући и плачући тражећи помоћ, причала сам о томе са његовом породицом али нисам добила одговор. Тако је моја најбоља пријатељица Ана Јохансон обећала да ће ми помоћи. Причала ми је о човеку по имену др Апата, рекла ми је да је он велики човек и прави човек коме се може веровати и да нема никакве везе са љубавним проблемима које не може да реши и рекла ми је како је помогао безбројним људима у обнављању њиховог односа. Био сам заиста убеђен, брзо сам контактирао његову имејл адресу, драпата4@гмаил.цом или његов ВхатсАпп/вибер са тим бројем (+66 81 302 8552). Објаснио сам му све своје проблеме, рекао ми је да не морам да бринем да ће сви моји проблеми бити одмах решени. Рекао ми је шта да радим да вратим мужа, а ја сам то рекла, рекао је да ће се после 3 дана мој муж вратити и почети да моли, и то се заиста догодило како је рекао, била сам веома изненађена, то је тако невероватно. Слава нашег односа са Богом је сада веома блиска и обоје живимо срећно до краја живота. Ако наиђете на сличан проблем, одмах га контактирајте и решите проблем једном заувек. И ја сам живи сведок

  • Ashley Vivian

    My name is Ashley Vivian, Am here to share a testimony on how Dr Raypower helped me. After a 1/5 year relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls several times but every time he would say that he loved me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But I couldn’t stop thinking about him so I decided to go online and I saw so many good talks about this spell caster called Dr Raypower and I contacted him and explained my problems to him. He cast a love spell for me which I use and after 24 hours, my boyfriend came back to me and started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr Raypower helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. You can also contact this spell caster and get your relationship fixed Email: or see more reviews about him on his website: WhatsApp: +27790254036

  • Cooker Jefferson

    Hello, everyone! I,m here to explore blogs and forum about wonderful and most safe cure for (Herpes Virus) I was positive to the deadly virus called herpes and i lost hope because i was out casted and rejected even by my closet friends.i searched on-line to know and enquirer about cure for Herpes and i read someone testimony on how he was cured from Herpes so i decided to contact the same herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything.i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will heal me with the natural herbs from God! After 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via DHL and it got to me after 3 days! i used the med as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! it’s really like a dream but i am so happy! That’s the reason I decided to also add more comments of Him so that more can be saved just like me! and if you need his help, you can email him on   or whatsApp +2349021374574. Contact him for help at Herpes virus ALS HIV/AIDS CANCER COPD BRAIN TUMOR All kind of virus and disease .

  • Kim Grayson

    Hello everyone, I am Kim Grayson from Miami. When all hope was lost in making my relationship work again between me and my boyfriend, I went online in search of help and i read and contacted DR ISIKOLO via his website ( who came and fixed everything and he will remain appreciated by me for the rest of my life. Too many times I went through emotional trauma due to the unending problems I had with my man and it led to our break up and that’s why I sought help and found out about DR ISIKOLO who came to my rescue. He told me the procedures and urged me to comply which I gladly did and he didn’t delay the process of giving solutions to my problems and I got the result in just 2 days as he assured me. Don’t bother seeking help elsewhere because he is too good at helping people. He is trustworthy and honest so text him now via WhatsApp: +234-8133261196 or his email:

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