I used to have Brillo Pad hair


  • Keyayang Wallace

    You are great in doing videos you go girl I am not a people video type of person. I am natural been nayural since 2009 2010 area my husband didn’t like it but I did so much on being natural I continue to cut it and let it grow back that it grew on him I went natural because I got tired of being perm and trying to look like other people and I just wanted to be myself. I last big chop in 2015 since then I have cut ends and colored my hair. Now on my journey I am doing more washing with water only and now I am trying to get away from color and cutting that is my problem it has grown and growing so I am basically praying and trying to take better care of my crown. I am still a work in progress but I have stayed away from the perm if I done had to cut to get away from perm but I done got over that part of a perm and big chopping so I think I am doing great. Thanks ladies.

  • Alice Kent


  • Rita Jakpor


  • Jacquetta Smith



    Watched the replay.

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