How to stop wasting your money at the store when you're looking for moisturizer

What to look for and what to stay away from, no matter what the brand name is on the label.

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  • Zuri Stardust

    This was so helpful. I had no idea that mineral oil was that. I’m sending this to my friends!

  • mary

    Sweetheart, you are talking too much. If you want to be successful in informative post, just give the information. You don’t need to spend ten to twenty min repeating yourself. We wart info but we don’t have all day. Thanks

  • Canna

    I’m so glad you made this video thank you!

  • Terrian

    This was very informative and I really enjoyed all the information you provided. I transitioned for 15 months and I did my big chop in December. I’ve really enjoyed being natural these 7months In spite of a few challanges, and moisturizing is definitely one of them. Can’t wait for the next videos any help is greatly appreciated!!

  • ericka johnson-konare

    Cany wait for you next informative video. This was truly helpful. Thank so much?

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