How to eliminate hair knots for good!


  • Adell Daugherty

    I was very interested in the topic: How to eliminate hair knots, but unfortunately I never have over an hour to watch a video.

  • Mary Wakefield

    Hello this is my first viewing. I am a 65 year old African American lady with natural hair. However my hahair is extremely corli from the root after shampooing and moisturizing and conditioner next day unbelievable to manage without using old fashioned hot comb or braiding it down I am lost. This is not what I want for the summer help?

  • Sajdah Sabree

    The back of the head was c alled the kitchen because in oldrn times the kitchen was made in the rear of houses

  • Beverly Dickerson

    please keep your products in ultra beauty

  • Beverly Dickerson

    please keep your products in ultra beauty

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